Dentrix CD Update

Updating the Trojan plans in Dentrix with a CD

Traditional Plans
  1. Open the "Dentrix Trojan Update Utility" Click on "Start, Programs, Dentrix Trojan Viewer 6.0, Dentrix Trojan Update Utility ". There may already be an Dentrix Trojan Update Utility icon on the desktop.
  2.  Click on "Database Update." A message will appear alerting that the database will be modified, Simply click <OK>.  

  3. Select “Insurance Plans” and choose the location of the update CD. In the " Install Update From: " box, Type “D:> for the CD drive (drive letter may vary), and click <OK>. 

  4. The update will begin with "Deleting Files." Warn client never to Stop The Update.

Managed Care Plans


  1. Open the "Dentrix Trojan Update Utility" Click on "Start, Programs, Dentrix Trojan Viewer 6.0, Dentrix Trojan Update Utility ". There may already be an Dentrix Trojan Update Utility icon on the desktop.
  2.  Click on "Database Update." A message will appear alerting that the database will be modified, Simply click <OK>.  

  3. Select “Managed Care” and choose the location of the update CD. In the " Install Update From: " box, Type “D:> for the CD drive (drive letter may vary), and click <OK>. 

  4. Warn client never to Stop The Update.