Eaglesoft CD Update


CD Update Procedure Traditional plans

  1. Click Start > Programs > EagleSoft > EagleSoft> Trojan Employer Upload Icon

  1. The first screen you will see when you have entered the EagleSoft Upload will prompt you for a location of the file to update.  In the space provided type in “D:” (Your CD Drive letter may vary). Be sure to type in the drive letter. Do Not Browse. 

    Click on <NEXT>.


  1. The upload will begin and the next screen you will see will ask if you have any more disks to copy, click on <No>.

  2. When you are prompted to verify that you are

  3. finished, select <Yes>. You will then be notified

  4. that EagleSoft is going to update your EagleSoft

  5. Database.  Select <OK> to proceed. 

  6. The upload process will begin and you should see this screen while your update is being processed.


  1. When prompted, click <OK>. The update is finished.   

CD Update Procedure Managed Care plans

  1. Click Start > Programs > EagleSoft > EagleSoft> Trojan Mdg. Care Upload Icon
  2. The first screen you will see when you have entered the EagleSoft Managed Care Upload will inform you the update could take up to 3 hours to process.  It rarely takes that long. Click <Okay  
  3. You will be prompted to insert the first diskette. Click <Okay>.
  4. Click the down arrow to select the source drive for the Trojan Managed care disk. Select your CD drive, usually “D:” (Your CD drive letter may vary.)    
  6. Click <Upload>.