
Date of most recent changes to this page:  6/27/2013

(800) 294-8504 

click Web Update Procedure Traditional plans

click CD Update Procedure Traditional plans

click CD Update Procedure Managed Care plans

click Install an initial load

click Set Service Types

click Errors

click Linking Trojan plans to patients

click Viewing Trojan outside patient files

click Viewing Trojan linked to patient

click Can't view a Trojan Plan Number

Install an Initial load

  1. Start, Program, Eaglesoft, Trojan Employer Upload, select CD drive

  2. these are the same instructions as running a CD update

  3. Be sure you tell that client to call Eaglesoft to Set Service Types (fax the pages) and to set up the payor IDs for the carriers. Eaglesoft does not use the payor IDs that Trojan provides. 


Employer in Use. The selected Trojan employer is currently installed in the Select system

Once a plan is USED from Trojan and moved to SELECT list, it cannot be added again

If the client has deleted the plan from the Eaglesoft SELECT employer list, they need to contact Eaglesoft support for assistance in adding the employer back to the SELECT list. 

or try this

Fee schedules, cannot view For any plan that Trojan has a fee schedule, there will be a note that says, "Fee schedule on system" Eaglesoft v.99 Select cannot see them at all. Eaglesoft does not use the Trojan Fee schedules for estimating.
Frozen during update

Is this during copying?




Is this during processing? Once it starts processing, the vendor program is working. We do not know how to safely exit this process and not damage data. call vendor
Locked out of Trojan

Was an update missed?

Did they not receive the update? 

Verify address. Send needed updates, advise client to run separately and in order if multiple updates
MCT address not printing correctly Eaglesoft always prints what is in the insurance company field not the specific MCT address The MCT address must be hand changed if needed before printing claim.
Update finishes really fast After clicking the okay at "Eaglesoft will now update Trojan Database" message comes up that the update is finished but client did not see the progress bars Trojan did not update. Have client start Trojan Employer Upload again. 
Trojan view is small and only shows a little corner.

It is most likely on the label printer setting. In the Trojan plan view window, click on Setup and change to the regular printer. 

Eaglesoft Employer Upload will not start. This is a problem we are seeing with clients that upgrade to 15.00 Eaglesoft support knows there is a problem. In the mean time, here is a work around. click
Preventive and diagnostic services are having deductible applied.  The service types will show that deductible does not apply. What version of E117 are they running. In the V15.00 this became a problem.  Per Eaglesoft support this should be corrected in the v16.00
Trojan button is grayed out in the Edit Employer screen That employer is not a Trojan employer or the plan has been manually edited by the office. Refer them to contact E117 to get that plan take out of the system.
The wrong carrier address is printing on the envelopes when they view a Trojan plan in Eaglesoft they can see the Carrier address and the separate Mail claims to address. Most of the time these are the same.

when they print a claim form, Eaglesoft grabs the address from the mail claims to address fields.

when they print an envelope from the Eaglesoft program is takes the address from the carrier fields.


No solution at this time

State: S1000  

Error Code: -308

Error Message: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]General error: Connection was terminated

Lost connection to database Refer to E117
DRs signature doesn't appear on claims. This is a default in the E117 eclaims module. Refer to E117
Comes up when you click the MC upload icon. Remove the Trojan Options from this computer then reinstall. You'll need the install CD for E117 version they are running

Go to Control Panel, Add/Remove programs, look for Trojan in the list.

Reinstall Trojan Options for the E117 CD

Comes up when installing Trojan Options from the Patterson install CD. Refer to E117 support
Trojan View and info in the Edit/employer screen do not match. Some one in the office edited the employer information and saved the changes.  Sometimes this will disconnect the plan from Trojan depending on what information in the edit/employer is changed. 


Discrepancy in the Benefit Year. 

First screen cap:

"Beg Month" in the middle of the screen, it says 1, which would be January.

Second screen cap:

"Period" refers to the plan year and it says it should start in June

Not positive but this is most likely v13.00. Later versions may not have this problem.

Client needs to add NEA payor ID number to employer. They are warned when editing the employer that these changes will disconnect the employer from Trojan. There is no other place to put this information. Enhancement forwarded to E117 Development on 6/27/13.

Viewing Trojan outside patient files

  1. From Eaglesoft main screen, select Lists

  2. Select Employers/Coverage List, this will give the Eaglesoft Employer search screen

  3. Click the Trojan button, this brings up the Trojan Employer search

  4. Select the search by either Trojan Plan Number or Employer Name

  5. enter Employer name, <TAB>    

  6. Highlight desired plan and click View button on bottom. 

  7. Clients can print a copy of benefits from this screen by selecting print option.

  8. Fee schedules can only be viewed once the plan is attached to a patient.

Viewing Trojan linked to patient

  1. In patient's Edit screen, either click on Employer hyperlink or put cursor in Employer field and hit <F2>

  2. Eaglesoft's Employers/Coverage list screen will appear.

  3. Double click the highlighted plan, now you're in Edit Employer Screen. Do not changed anything on this screen of this plan will not get updated with monthly updates.

  4. Click on Trojan button to view benefits and get the option to print

  5. If fee schedule is attached select <F2>


Linking Trojan plans to Patients 
1. In patient’s Edit screen, either click on Employer hyperlink or put cursor in Employer field and hit <F2>.
2. Eaglesoft’s Employers / Coverage List screen will appear.
3. If the plan is not already there, click the Trojan icon

4. Search for Employer (use TAB key after 

entering search information).


5. When desired plan is located, highlight it and click USE

6. You will now have a choice to Overwrite a plan or

     ADD a new plan. Always choose to ADD NEW

7. This will add the plan to Eaglesoft’s Employers / Coverage List.

8. Highlight the plan you just added from Trojan and click USE
9. This will bring you back to the patient's screen with new employer and benefits attached. 
Note: In the Trojan Employer, if you see a plan in RED then that plan has already been moved from Trojan to your Eaglesoft. The plan cannot be used again. Look for the plan in your Eagelsoft's Employer/Coverage list. 


This is the email forwarded to E117 development about the NEA payor IDs.


Customer #: 767299731
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013
Incident #: 8203991
Skillset: EagleSoft
Call Type: Trojan 
Specialist: Doug Key

Call Detail: wonderign if there is another spot to hav the NEA payer id put in. Explaiend that there is not. what happens is when you attach that number to a trojan employer is unlinks the trojan link that it attached the employer or insurace company. Like to have it not unlink that link when they have to add an NEA payer id. will add as an enhancement.

Enhancement: When adding the NEA payer id to a trojan employer like to have the trojan link stay attached. 





















































































Reuse a Trojan plan

Once a plan is "used" from the Trojan database and put into the Eaglesoft Employers Coverage List, it cannot be used again. The plan shows in Red type and the USE button in grayed out.

To set a plan to use again. Really should refer them to Eaglesoft.

  1. Click on Utilities from the Eaglesoft toolbar

  2. Click on Database Navigation

  3. In the command window type update trojan_employer set in_use = 'N' where number = '(insert Trojan Plan Number)'