Client Procedures

Date of most recent changes to this page:  12/4/13

click Pending Book Calls Task   
click Changing Vendors or ET Formats on Existing Clients New Dentifi Info Added
click Putting a program on the website for client download
click New Password and ID for Trojan Communications
click Activate an account
click Full Load dates in Chariot
click A/R report of specific clients
click ET Special
click Ownership change on an account



Pending Book Calls Task

Task Description

**NOTE** There is no Pink sheet for Dentifi sales. The department gets notified of a new Dentifi sale by email. It is the responsibility of the Software Support staff member assigned Emails/Voicemail for the day to follow up with the office and set up an appt for install. 


  1. Once the sales paperwork is completed, the pink sheet is placed in Productions. After the data is made and shipped the pink sheet is filed in the Pending Book by the month that the sale and data were made.
  2. When a client calls for install help or to say they have installed:
    1. Pull the pink sheet from the Pending Book and verify installation of all Trojan programs.
    2. Activate all services except Collections. Set start date to the day reported install and set recurring date to the first of the very next month if the activation date is the first half of the month and the first date the next month if the activation date after the 15th.  
    3. Open a memo in ET screen. Synopsis should be "Installed....."
    4. Check for any updates that need to be sent, by reviewing the date data was created, or instructions for downloading. Verify proper territory.
    5. Send Email to Training department. Synopsis is account number, account name. The body of the email should state what services are install and that the office needs training.
    6. File the pink sheet in Active Clients book.


  1. If time allows, once a week clients in Pending Book should be called to find out if they have received data, installed, need help installing or have any questions. 
    1. Print a list of pending clients

      Open and sign into the AR program

      Select A/R Reports Menu from the right hand side

      Select Client List from the right hand side

      Half way down the next window, click next to Search by Service Type to put a check mark there, click the drop down menu and select ET Benefit Serv, select the next drop down menu and select Pending install

      Select for the Standard Report, then select Print

      Repeat the above to generate a list of Pending Eligibility client, and Pending Managed Care clients


  1. Open each account in the ET program. Read “Pending Book Call” memo in ET screen, if one exists, before dialing. Advise them that they need to install so that they can start getting regular updates.
  1. If clients are not installed, create a memo, in synopsis type “Pending Book Call,” in body of memo, type any message from client, questions, estimated install date, etc. 
  2. After going through the Pending ET list, look at the Pending MC and Eligibility lists. skip the clients you already called with the Pending ET list. Call the others and ask about their specific program



Any pending clients past 90 days from Printed date on pink sheet.


  1. Pull the pink sheet from the pending book.
  2. Call the client one last time to see if they plan to install the Trojan.
  3. If a message is left and no response comes in 2 business days, prepare the cancellation letter.
  4. Open memo, in synopsis “Pending 90 Day Canc/Letter Sent”, in memo “Several attempts to get installed” should be the last entry.



Prepare cancellation letter


  1. Open Pending – No Sale letter from the shared drive. Customize it for the client. Print a copy on Trojan Professional Services, Inc. letterhead. Make a copy of the letter and staple it to pink sheet.
  2. Prepare a return receipt for post office stocked by shipping or accounting. Staple green and white portion of return receipt to pink. On light green card put your name on the return side
  3. If the return receipt (avocado colored paper) doesn’t come back, track through USPS and copy the results to the pink sheet.
  4. Thirty days after client receives the cancellation letter, if no response, send all to Martha D.
  5. If they make contact within the 30 days, treat them as a regular pending client.




Changing Vendors or ET formats on existing clients


  1. What you say:

    Advise clients that have Stand Alone that they will not longer have the ability to run the Employer reports when they go to integrated vendor. The may also lose the ability to update on line depending on what vendor program they are changing to. 

    Integrated DrD users changing vendors may not be able to use our eclaims program  unless they want to have double entry of information.

    DrD integrates with Genesis, Camsight, EZ2000, Innovative, Computer Age

    Dentifi clients that are going to switch to traditional, find the Viewer install if they were a previous traditional Dentrix user, or they need to order the viewer (Jon U might be able to get them a copy).


  2. What you do:

Change services, in the ET program, if the client changed from SA to Vendor or Vendor to SA. If you do not have program permissions go to a manager of Level 2 support person who does. Be sure when services are changed, you do not cancel the old format but use Transfer. This applies to service changes only, not actual cancels.

Change client screen in ET to the new vendor or program. Verify the computer information and office information (i.e. operating systems, email, internet connection, vendor version).

Check for Download capability. Not all offices can download. Do they have high-speed connection? Does the vendor accommodate update from downloads?

Send email to Susan D. send an email to Susan D with the client account and name in the regarding field and in the body of the message, what the service change is. Are there any charges for data or was the data downloaded.

Keep the client memo open until you confirm they have the new Trojan working properly.

Create data or web installs for any programs the client will need on the new format: Communicator, initial load, etc. Send a CD if necessary.

Order a new binder. Dentifi to traditional users will need a regular vendor binder. Clients that have been Trojan clients for many years will need a new binder. 


New Password and ID for Trojan Communications

You will very rarely do this. 

If you are going to do this, make sure the Trojan Communicator is deleted or otherwise uninstalled before you make any changes to the trading partner information.

Go to the clients account.

Click options at the bottom.

Click Assign New Password.

Save the change.

Make sure the new Web User ID and Password are changed in all communication settings in all install Trojan programs!!

Watch for any Task Server Emails coming into Support. If there is a copy of the Communicator running anywhere with the old Trading Partner information, it will start going nuts because it can't connect to the Trojan server. 


Activate a client account


  1. from the client's ET screen, where you see the Pending status, Click Serv At the bottom


  1. Click the line that is the service you want to activate


  1. The following screen will appear. Click Change and fill in the fields to reflect the install date



change Status to Active
Enter today's date for Install Date
Enter the first day of next month as the recurring date, unless it is after the 16th of the current month, then it is the first day of month after next. For example: install date is 4/1-4/15, the recur date is 5/1, install date between 4/16-4/30, the recur date is 6/1
Save on this screen, Save on the Services Screen


  1. After activating the client and documenting the install, send an email to client trainers stating the client account number and name, and the programs you installed. The Client Trainers will call to set up any necessary training appointments




A/R report of specific clients

Open and sign into the AR program

Select A/R Reports Menu from the right hand side

Select Client List from the right hand side

From the following screen select types you'd like to sort by and the type of report you want generated



ET Special

Clients that are set to ET special are there for update mailing purposes.

See the Department notes section on that client screen.

The date corresponds to the memo that explains why the client was set to ET Special.

The ET Special describes the subject of the memo and the following description.

"Send" begins the description of what the office is sent each month when updates are made.


To set a client to ET Special

  1. Click Change under the Client side of the ET screen.

  1. Put a check mark next to ET special.

  1. Go to the first line of Dept. Notes and following the standard format, enter the date you are making them an ET special client and what gets sent. Be sure to create a very clear memo in the clients account describing why they are being set to ET special.

  1. Save your changes.